Tip of the Week-美国专业教练对业余选手的每周忠告-01-08-07


01-08-07 Training for Quickness

By Carl Danner

Quickness is an asset for high-level play. But can it be trained?

In its raw form, one's reaction time (e.g., push a button when the light blinks) may be innate and difficult to change. But applied quickness -- a quick reply to a shot -- involves other factors that can be improved.

Applied quickness starts with clean stroke and footwork technique that gets you to the ball efficiently, with a minimum of flourishes or extra movements. That technique is then built into muscle memory through the second factor of careful repetition. Many top players add a third component of practiced anticipation, gauging a return's likely direction by their opponent's position, habits, and the kind of ball he or she is trying to play. When all these factors come together, the result can look like magic.

To train for applied quickness, start by working out any extra kinks in your strokes or footwork. Commit to a neutral grip, and don't vary it. Stroke to deliver the racket squarely to the ball so no adjustments are needed for good contact. When practicing, be a fanatic for form and don't sacrifice proper strokes for speed or power. Lastly, watch opponents with an eye for prediction, looking for physical clues (like the positioning of shoulders and feet) that may tell you what's coming next.

Clean technique, muscle memory, and practiced anticipation. These factors can translate anyone's raw reaction time into applied quickness that will confound many opponents.






干净利落的技术,肌肉记忆以及不断练习的预判。 这些因素可以把人的本能反应时间变成快速的应用反应,这足以让任何对手胆寒。



